The STAR AF Project (State Accountability Revitalization - Accountable Fund) Loan Number 3872-INO is a continuation of the State Accountability Revitalization (STAR) foreign loan project from ADB Loan Number 2927-INO, with BPKP (Supreme Audit Board) as the implementing entity. This project reflects the strong commitment of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the support of ADB in enhancing development accountability, particularly in developing Human Resources (HR) in the field of public financial management and internal audit.
The STAR AF Project also focuses on strengthening Information Technology (IT) infrastructure in the process of digital transformation of internal audit related to financial management and the effective implementation of the Government Internal Control System (SPIP). This is in line with the directive for accelerating digital transformation in Presidential Regulation No. 95 of 2018 on the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).
The STAR Project Number 2927-INO has been ongoing since 2013, with various activities such as Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, training and certification for Junior Financial Auditors (JFA) and Non-JFA personnel, as well as collaboration with eight universities in establishing Centers of Excellence (CoE). The project also provides support to BPKP in the development of e-learning-based training centers (GIA Corpu) and strengthening information systems.
The STAR AF Project Number 3872-INO aims to continue enhancing government accountability by focusing on improving SPIP maturity to level 3 and APIP (Internal Audit Work Unit) capabilities to level 3. In terms of HR development, the project is committed to enhancing the capacities of APIP and PKN (National Institute of Public Administration) with a target of training and certifying 19,400 individuals at the central and regional levels. Additionally, the project will strengthen competency and needs-based e-learning training approaches and improve training facilities.
In the medium term, the STAR AF project is expected to result in increased capacities of government internal auditors and public financial managers. In the long term, it aims to strengthen the accountability of central and regional government institutions to provide high-quality public services.